Title: Storm Siren
Author: Mary Weber
Rating: ☕ ☕ ☕ ☕
My Thoughts:
Goodness I don’t know where to start. This book was such a surprise for
me. For me, high fantasy books are hit or miss, and lately I’ve had
quite a few misses. So I wasn’t expecting a lot when I picked this up.
The first 5 pages didn’t really do much to encourage me, and then WHAM! I
was sucked into Nym’s world and I haven’t quite left it yet (I’ll get
to that later). She is a very powerful and flawed character and her
struggle to gain acceptance from the people around her, including
herself, endeared her to me. I loved the supporting characters – with
the exception of Nym’s primary love interest and trainer, Eogan. He
somewhat redeemed himself, but…well, I can’t say…spoilers you know.
What turned this into a 4 latte book was the sporadic world building. Some areas are well thought out and fit well into the story. Other parts have too many loose ends and little to no explanation, which was frustrating for me. For example, it is said that Elementals are exclusively male, but obviously Nym is female – an anomaly which is re-stated throughout the book but it seems like there is no intention to explain why she exists. There are other areas that bothered me, hopefully the problem areas will be addressed in the next book.
The ending seriously got to me. When I first read it I didn’t see it coming. I was pretty angry – in a good way, but seriously, who leaves a cliff hanger like that? After I stewed about it for a day I went back and reread the last few chapters and found a bit of foreshadowing and other hints that I missed the first time around. I have some theories, but now I am forced to wait until the summer of 2015 before I can find out if my theories (fingers crossed) holds water.
This is a good book if you enjoy YA and fantasy. I look forward to reading books 2 and 3 in the future and watching Mary Weber’s writing grow along with Nym.
**NetGalley provided me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
What turned this into a 4 latte book was the sporadic world building. Some areas are well thought out and fit well into the story. Other parts have too many loose ends and little to no explanation, which was frustrating for me. For example, it is said that Elementals are exclusively male, but obviously Nym is female – an anomaly which is re-stated throughout the book but it seems like there is no intention to explain why she exists. There are other areas that bothered me, hopefully the problem areas will be addressed in the next book.
The ending seriously got to me. When I first read it I didn’t see it coming. I was pretty angry – in a good way, but seriously, who leaves a cliff hanger like that? After I stewed about it for a day I went back and reread the last few chapters and found a bit of foreshadowing and other hints that I missed the first time around. I have some theories, but now I am forced to wait until the summer of 2015 before I can find out if my theories (fingers crossed) holds water.
This is a good book if you enjoy YA and fantasy. I look forward to reading books 2 and 3 in the future and watching Mary Weber’s writing grow along with Nym.
**NetGalley provided me with an ARC in exchange for an honest review.**
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